A homeless dad making sacrifices to support his kids and get himself clean

It’s easy to think that a man who struggles with drug addiction and lives in a homeless shelter is also a bad father to his children. Rick* is that guy. He has made decisions in his life that he regrets. Decisions that caused him to lose his family, his home, and more. On the surface, without really knowing him, it would be easy to judge. But you would probably be wrong about a few things.
Rick is one of the fifteen people enrolled in our new Drug Relapse Prevention Program. Since he started the classes, he has shown a true desire to make the kind of changes in his life that would put him on a path to success and freedom. Rick has a decent job. However, he is currently homeless because there is no money left for rent after he pays his monthly child support. But he’s not bitter about it. He says that his kids are his first responsibility. He wants them to know that you can learn from your mistakes. He wants to be the kind of man they can look up to, and he’s working really hard at that goal.
We have a lot of dads at PCM, each with their own story. When they come to us, they need not just basic food and shelter, but also encouragement and resources to help them to stay the course and keep moving forward – that there is hope for recovery, and renewal of broken relationships. These dads hold a special place in our hearts.
When you support PCM, you help men like Rick to raise their kids well. But none of this happens without your prayers and vital financial support. Would you consider making a donation to us?
Would you also consider volunteering your time? You could make a positive impact in the lives of many of our guests. We have a variety of volunteer oportunities for just about everyone to serve. Click here to get started.
God bless you richly, and to dads everywhere – Happy Father’s Day!
Pastor Tom
*name changed
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