6th Annual “Towel Day” Drive with Don’t Panic Labs
May 15, 2023—May 26, 2023
PCM provides a towel to each of their guests when they come in and with the number of people we help, that’s a lot of towels! Towels are an easily overlooked need and we are so grateful for Don’t Panic Labs for doing this drive with us every year to make sure each guest at PCM has their own towel.
Collection dates are May 15-26. You can drop new or gently used towels off at any of the partner locations listed below or you can donate online here (choose “Towel Day 2023” in the Campaign drop down menu), and those funds will directly be used to buy towels. You can also purchase towels from the PCM Amazon Wish List.
The goal this year is 2,000 towels!
For more information, and a list of donation sites, check out dontpaniclabs.com.