One Year Drug Relapse Program

Homelessness and addiction often occur together, and, unfortunately, many people struggling with both issues are unable to get the help they need. Drug and alcohol abuse can develop due to the stresses associated with homelessness. Additionally, addiction can also contribute to loss of a home.
Marty came to us from another state, having recently become homeless after losing his job. He has a kind smile and a dry sense of humor. He is motivated to work hard and get back on his feet. But Marty struggles with a drug addiction that started a few years ago after a family tragedy that was more than he could bear.
Seeking treatment can be very helpful for folks like Marty. However, many don’t know where to turn for help when they’re struggling with substance abuse issues. Or, they may not feel that they have the resources to get help. But in Lincoln, now they do.
We are very excited to announce the start of a One Year Drug Relapse Program, set to launch in the first quarter of 2023. The goal of the program is to help up to ten men and five women at a time. This will allow us to meet very specific needs of our guests, giving them an even greater chance of success in the future.
Marty knows he has a tough road ahead, but he has hope. And you’re one of the reasons for that. Because you gave to help the homeless, Marty’s path looks completely different today. Full of hope, with a plan for recovery.
Today, I invite you to help other men and women like Marty, struggling with addiction by giving once again. You’ll be providing resources to combat addiction, while empowering other key programs, too.
Thank you for your role in bringing hope to men, women and families in desperate need.
God’s rich blessings to you,
Pastor Tom
This new program will consist of extensive addiction recovery counseling, training, class work and a work program. PCM will provide this service at no cost to participants, however 20 hours a week of work will be required to offset costs of room and board in PCM’s Curtis Center.
If you or anyone you know would be interested in participating in this program, contact:
Earl Richardson, Curtis Center Director at 402-475-1303, ext. 132, or