We found proof of what some thought was impossible.

This spring we are celebrating the completion of the first year of our drug relapse program, Breakout, with the graduation of three hard working, dedicated students.
This is no ordinary graduation. Homelessness can create significant barriers to accessing treatment for substance use disorders. Lack of stable housing, limited financial resources, and social stigma may prevent folks from seeking or accessing care. They can also face numerous stressors and triggers that can increase their vulnerability to relapse. Providing specialized support through a drug relapse program can help identify and manage these triggers more effectively.
The drug relapse program at PCM provides support, education, and most importantly, a spiritual foundation to help participants achieve sobriety and gain the ability to live independently. They attend ten classes a week – spiritual care, AA, life skills, wellness, and living in recovery. Unlike any other program in the region, they also are provided with housing and employment at PCM through a work program.
Participants are also connected with educational programs to sharpen skills to gain a career and a livable wage. Monthly, weekly and for some daily follow up after completion of the program helps graduates remain on track. Each of our three graduates are now employed in jobs they enjoy and that will more than sustain them financially.
This first anniversary is a significant achievement for the students and the program itself. “I’m very proud of the Breakout program and the accomplishments we’ve achieved with our first graduates,” said Earl Richardson, Breakout director. “It’s still in its infancy, so we’re steadily growing and still learning. I’m encouraged for the future.”
Today there are ten more participants going through the program, with two more graduating this month. We are so proud of them, and the many others who are fighting for their sobriety. Would you consider being a part of this amazing journey they are on? A gift of any amount will help sustain this program for these men and women as they take control of their lives and work towards greater self-sufficiency and stability. We so appreciate your generosity!
God’s rich blessings to you,
Pastor Tom
Do you or someone you know need help breaking free from addiction to substances? There are many resources right here in Lincoln.
One that we work closely with is The Bridge Behavioral Health. They provide medically-monitored withdrawal, substance use and mental health respite, residential treatment, and outpatient services. Many of our Breakout participants have been referred to us from The Bridge to continue on in their freedom journey.
We are thankful for our partnership with them and encourage you or your loved ones to contact them for immediate substance addiction help.