When it’s Cold Outside, No One is Ever Turned Away

There have been many cold days this year…and thankfully for most of us, warm places to go. But if you don’t have anywhere to stay, this winter is a dangerous time, even life threatening.
Being our community’s only homeless shelter, providing dedicated overnight shelter, we are the safety net for the homeless. Quite literally, without us, many folks without sustainable income, without family support and any form of community, would be out on the street or living in their cars. People’s City Mission is trying to
provide them with a warm place to stay, even if it means operating beyond our capacity.
When the temperature drops, our numbers rise. We have only 300 permanent beds, so when we hit that number, we have to bring out extra mattresses to accommodate everyone seeking safety from the cold. This month we expect even higher numbers to be looking for emergency shelter.
What makes all this especially difficult for us is public donations tend to decline some during the first part of the year–right when our population is at its highest. As a result, providing the homeless food and shelter becomes very difficult to do.
So, I am asking for your support. Any amount you can give will make a real difference to the homeless in our city. The Mission depends almost completely on the generosity and good will of the Lincoln community. Without you, we cannot keep everyone warm and safe.
Also, please keep our guests in your prayers as they seek out a better future. And pray for us too. More than money, we need God’s direction and blessing. All of us working here know that with Him, all things are possible!
Thank you so much for your kindness and partnership with us. Together we can make a difference in the lives of many hurting people.
God’s rich blessings!
Pastor Tom
Winter Needs at the Mission
During this time of year, we can always use these items, new or gently used, men’s women’s and children’s sizes:
• winter clothing, socks, outerwear & snow boots
• sleeping bags
• twin sized blankets
• cold & flu medicine
Items can be dropped off at the Help Center at 6800 P St.
You can also find a list of items on our Amazon Wish List
Want to hold a winter clothing or supply drive? Contact Michele Dakan at (402) 817-0818, or email MDakan@pcmlincoln.org
11th Annual Sock Drive
Realtors of Lincoln are collecting socks for PCM all of February. Their goal is 23,000 pairs for 2023. All of the socks will go to the homeless and impoverished. More information at: lincolnrealtors.com