Desperate and Out of Options: How a teen’s perseverance became her only hope for survival

When your kids are away, all sorts of things can happen. They can be bullied, a stranger might follow them, or perhaps they need to escape a bad date. Of course trafficking is always a potential danger too. This is why Safe Place was created.
Safe Place is a national program that uses the symbol above for youth to know that they are welcome to come inside due to whatever circumstance they are trying to escape. This community initiative designates schools, fire stations, libraries, youth-friendly organizations and other local businesses as Safe Place sites, displaying the yellow, diamond logo. Safe Place provides immediate support to these safe-seeking youth in determining the next step. PCM is the licensed Safe Place agency for Lincoln, and we have comfortable rooms set aside specifically for these youth.
A young lady came to us sometime ago. She was 17, kicked out of her home, pregnant and desperate. She found herself looking for friends who would let her sleep on their couch. Unfortunately she was running out of options. She contacted us through Safe Place, and we encouraged her to come and stay here at the shelter. With a little help, a case worker at the Mission was able to connect her with resources for pregnant teens and found her the help she desperately needed.
Sometimes youth come to us struggling with their parents, and our role is to reunite them back together. But occasionally returning home is not an option. In those situations we work with the teen, parents, LPD and other local agencies to make sure they are placed in a safe and secure environment.
Let me just say, we are honored to be one of over 20,000 Safe Place sites around the country. And here is my request. Would you be willing to support this important program? A financial gift of any size would be of great help to us.
We deeply appreciate your support, which is crucial to our work. Did you know that over 97% of our funding comes from generous individuals like you? Thank you for your kindness and partnership.
Reasons Youth Need National Safe Place
- 36.9% – Family Problems
- 23.8% – Homeless
- 12.8% – Runaway
- 10.1% – Other
- 7.2% – Abuse/Neglect
- 3.2% – Locked Out
- 2.4% – Suicidal
- 1.5% – Mental Health
- 1.5% – Immediate Safety
- .6% – School Issue