Winning a war of independence from homelessness & addiction 

We have so much to be grateful for. As we remember and celebrate independence for our nation, I hope we don’t forget the homeless & impoverished struggling right here in our city. I’d like to share with you some battles for independence from homelessness and addiction that are being won at PCM.

Earl is in our Curtis Center transitional housing program and works for PCM cleaning the facility. Earl was baptized earlier this year at Connections church on the PCM campus. Since coming to PCM, he says he has become a better person; more in control of himself. He loves who he works with and his boss. 

Leonard is also a resident in the Curtis Center and is a full time maintenance supervisor. Anything we break, he fixes. His two years at PCM has really helped him to turn things around in his life. “I enjoy living here, it’s comfortable, clean and gives me the space I need to work on things. I like that they provide a lot of help to those who need it.”

Destiny struggled with homelessness and meth addiction, unemployed and stealing to survive. She is now in PCM’s Break-out program and works in the kitchen at PCM. One thing I didn’t lose during the hard times was my faith.” She starts her day off with Bible study, which she really enjoys. “I have noticed a big change in my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I no longer have addiction cravings, and my kids are proud of me.” Destiny has embraced the program and we have embraced her.

We are SO proud of these three. You can help people just like Earl, Leonard and Destiny get back on their feet by supporting PCM. I recognize that these are challenging times for all of us, but if you are able to give even a little bit, that little bit can make a big change for our guests. Financial donations are staying steady, but operating costs continue to rise. Our funding comes mostly (97%) from folks like you, not the government. We need you!

We are so grateful for the kindness and generosity of our community. You are literally saving lives. God’s blessings, and a very happy 4th of July!

Pastor Tom

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