When it’s Cold Outside, No One is Ever Turned Away

There have been many cold days this year…and thankfully for most of us, warm places to go. But if you don’t have anywhere to stay, this winter is a dangerous time, even life threatening. Being our community’s only homeless shelter, providing dedicated overnight shelter, we are the safety net for the homeless. Quite literally, without…

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One Year Drug Relapse Program

Homelessness and addiction often occur together, and, unfortunately, many people struggling with both issues are unable to get the help they need. Drug and alcohol abuse can develop due to the stresses associated with homelessness. Additionally, addiction can also contribute to loss of a home. Marty came to us from another state, having recently become…

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Toy Giveaway for Kids­ at People’s City Mission

This year kids who are staying at the Mission and kids from impoverished families who shop at the Help Center will once again have a fun Christmas surprise. December 12 & 13 will be a time where guests of the mission can shop for free for Christmas presents for their families from new toys. December…

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Free Thanksgiving Meals Served at People’s City Mission

We don’t want anyone to be alone on the holidays. People’s City Mission will once again be serving a full Thanksgiving meal to not only all of the homeless in Lincoln, but to anyone who would otherwise be alone on Thanksgiving and could use a meal. We start serving at 11:30 and will go until…

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Mental Health and the Homeless at PCM

August 30th of this year, two of our own had their lives taken from them. The man arrested for the crimes was also one of our own. Our staff and guests were shocked. Dismayed. Angry. Some even fearful. These seemed like senseless killings, by someone who had displayed no prior signs of violence. The next…

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PCM Celebrates 115 Years of Service to the Lincoln Community

This year the People’s City Mission (PCM) is excited to be celebrating 115 years of service to the Lincoln community! During this time we have been able to assist over one million individuals struggling with homelessness and poverty. And our doors, well, they have stayed open for more than one million continuous hours to those seeking our…

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